Gas Station | InterviewBit | Solution Explained
I explain the solution to Gas Station on InterviewBit using visuals in simple words. 0. Gas Station:...
Majority Element | InterviewBit | Solution Explained
I explain the solution to Majority Element on InterviewBit using visuals in simple words. NOT using the...
Seats | InterviewBit | Solution Explained
I explain the solution to Seats on InterviewBit using visuals in simple words. 0. Seats: Problem Discussion...
Reverse integer | InterviewBit | LeetCode | Solution Explained
I explain the "expected" solution to Reverse integer in CPP using only ints, present on both InterviewBit...
Largest Component Size by Common Factor | LeetCode | Solution Explained
Largest Component Size by Common Factor. I make this problem easy by explaining the solution in an...
Text Justification | LeetCode | InterviewBit | Solution Explained
Text Justification LeetCode/Justified Text InterviewBit is a interesting problem. I use raw logic to explain the solution...
Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table | LeetCode | Solution Explained
668. Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table. I explain the binary search approach in detail along with visuals...
Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle | LeetCode | Bitmaksing Solution Explained in Detail
LeetCode 1178. Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle. Seems hard, but is a breakdown of a couple...
Single Number III | LeetCode | Bit Manipulation Solution Explained
LeetCode 260. Single Number III. I explain the bit-masking solution in detail, with the help of some neat...
Single Number | LeetCode | Bit Manipulation Solution Explained
LeetCode 136. Single Number can be solved using the idea of bits. But how to even think about...