Gas Station | InterviewBit | Solution Explained
I explain the solution to Gas Station on InterviewBit using visuals in simple words. 0. Gas Station:...
Reverse integer | InterviewBit | LeetCode | Solution Explained
I explain the "expected" solution to Reverse integer in CPP using only ints, present on both InterviewBit...
Valid Parentheses | LeetCode | Solution Explained
LeetCode 20. Valid Parentheses. I explain a stack based solution in detail.
Accounts Merge | LeetCode | Solution Explained
LeetCode 721. Accounts Merge. I explain the solution in detail using the data structure: Disjoint Set Union or...
Product of Array Except Self | LeetCode | Solution Explained
LeetCode 238. Product of Array Except Self. I explain the intuitions and observations and explain the solution in...
Count and Say | LeetCode | InterviewBit | Solution Explained
Count and Say is an interesting problem. It only requires the knowledge of basics of strings and...
Text Justification | LeetCode | InterviewBit | Solution Explained
Text Justification LeetCode/Justified Text InterviewBit is a interesting problem. I use raw logic to explain the solution...
Daily Temperatures | LeetCode | Stack Solution Explained
ily Temperatures LeetCode becomes easier to solve with the knowledge of Next Greatest Element (NGE). I explain...
Valid Palindrome String | LeetCode | InterviewBit | Solution
LeetCode Problem Link. InterviewBit Problem Link.
Multiply Strings | LeetCode | Observation Based Approach, Explained
LeetCode 43. Multiply Strings. I explain the Observation Based Approach using simple maths in detail along with the...